Commission: Art on the River Dearne
Neon River
In 2017 Patrick was commissioned by Dearne Valley Landscape Partnership to be an artist in residence highlighting the significance of the River Dearne and how it has shaped the people and landscape over centuries. The river is at the heart of the Dearne Valley but is often overlooked and forgotten. The residency aimed to raise awareness of the river, where it comes from, where it goes and the impact on the landscape.
For this project Patrick created a series of temporary art interventions that made the River Dearne more visible within its landscape. These interventions also provided a way to engage with community members and groups to begin to unearth a multitude of other stories, people’s thoughts and memories about the river. The interventions themselves were deliberately provocative in nature and aimed to instigate a change in people’s attitudes towards the Dearne or at least remind them of its presence.
Lighting the Dearne Valley
In this large scale art intervention Patrick planned to fire a high powered laser down a pre planned route of the Dearne Valley. The route would take the laser over the course of the River Dearne with the intention of interplay between the body of water and the lights in the sky. The laser was projected over 4 nights in 2018.